We Welcome you to The Virginia Assembly
Signed in as:
We Welcome you to The Virginia Assembly
Signed in as:
Here you will find concise information that will clarify and deepen your comprehension of what it means to stand as a man or woman on the Land and soil; what it means to Self-Govern; what it means to hold Sovereignty and General Jurisdiction and what it means to stand in honor and integrity for the greater good.
We, the men and women of Virginia know that Self-Governance comes from an attitude of Self-Love and LOVE of nation-state... We each must surrender our ego mind in order to work in collaboration with other Virginian's to restore our Lawful Self-Governing Body on Virginia. It take all of us, doing our individual part, to create the world we wish for ourselves and our progeny! We welcome you to Virginia and as you learn and grow in your knowledge of Self-Governance you, along with others are creating our unfolding future.
There is really no man, woman or institution that you couldn't inform with these facts, however, your own knowledge base and ability to speak the correct language and stand in your own strength and power without fear is also essential. We all must choose how we engage with others during this transitional period and be willing to bear the consequences of our choices and actions. Educating and informing ourselves first, and then others is the most logical progression. Cheryl Perko
Self -Govenance means that you acknowledge your standing as a living man or woman and you take responsibility for the trajectory of your own life and for the consequences of your actions. Engaging the clear and simple precepts of Do No Harm, Be in Honor, Act in Kindness, and Leave Life Better, provides a foundation from which to orchestrate the intricacies of Life. Accountability, integrity, virtue and a strong moral compass are required for Self- Governance within a community, Securing and expressing your rights must never usurp or infringe upon the rights of another.
The American system for Governance consists of the Self-Governing men and women on a nation-state, collaborating to ensure Peace, Freedom and security for all people.
The Foundation of American Common Law
A Jury of Peers
"The legal culture of the criminal jury is distinctive to American Common Law due to the devotion of the belief that the guilt or innocence of a person accused of crime can only be judged fairly by a jury of the peers." [1] * Regarding a jury of twelve (12) - It is the role of the jurors to execute justice, sometimes with mercy. Their decisions cannot be second guessed , “The jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact.” (New York Constitution, Art. 1, 88) * Jury Nullification - "The jury has an unalienable right to judge both the law as well as the facts in controversy."
(John Jay 1st Chief Justice UNited States Supreme Court 1789) * ... a role to play as the “conscience of the community” and relied on juries “nullifying” to hold the government to the principles of the Constitution. (1)
[1] Adapted from the Common Law handbook, by David E. Robinson pp. 2-3
Militia vs Standing Army: The Founders' View To a vast majority of the founding generation, standing armies were extremely dangerous, “the bane of liberty.” The best way to prevent them? Render them unnecessary. During the Virginia ratifying convention, the question came up as to why the general government was given the power to call forth the militia. Madison emphasized that “if insurrections should arise, or invasions should take place, the people ought to unquestioningly be employed, to suppress and repel them, rather than a standing army.” This reiterated the point he made during the Philadelphia Convention. “The best way to do these things is to put the militia on a good and sure footing, and enable the government to make use of their services when necessary.” He went on to argue that “the most effectual way to guard against a standing army is to render it unnecessary.” How do you do that? “Give the general [lawful] government full power to call forth the militia, and exert the whole natural strength of the Union, when necessary.”
The formation of our governance according to our founding fathers was from the people up... Meaning that the ultimate power lies with the people.
However the fact that we are reconstructing our governance on Virginia after a period of 160 years of interregnum, we are required to think outside the original intensions.
Therefore the State Level governance is being built first and we have created Regions, Clusters (groups of counties) as Governance structures between the State and the County level. Once the counties are populated they will break away from the Cluster and stand on their own.
As a sovereign nation state, Virginia conducts it's own international business affairs with other nation states and other countries.
Virginians and The Virginia Assembly are working diligently to reconstruct our nation state and stand her up to her full glory. As we do, we will enter into trade agreements and treaties for the benefit of all Virginians. We will instruct our service providers on what is best for Virginia and oversee that they implement their duties according to the will of Virginians.
Virginia is excited to announce the nomination of our Militia Commander and liaison to Virginia Sheriffs.
Steve Russel Just.
At the County Level the Lawful sheriff is the prominent peacekeeping official on the Land and soil whose greatest duty is to protect the rights and property of the living people. Our Milita Commander will ensure that our county Sheriffs comprehend their duties under Land Law.
We of the Virginia Assembly believe that America is a way of Living and Being, not a geographical location, and that returning to the Land and soil is concurrent with a return to Honor, Integrity, and Right Action. We fly the American Flag of Peace and acknowledge that with Freedom comes responsibility. It is our responsibility and Honor to restore the Lawful American Governance “of, by and for the people” on Virginia.
The Right to Assemble doesn’t mean going to Starbucks for coffee with friends without a mask or forced injection. It is so much more.
We were never told that Assembly is our Governance “of, by and for” the people, it is not only a Right, but an absolute necessity.
We are aware that there are many state nationals and U.S. Citizens on Virginia that are working in other avenues and creating other assemblies and groups that are pushing back into the system of totalitarianism. This is occurring in various ways and with different areas of focus and variable levels of success, and we are grateful for that. However, we comprehend that the Organic Federation of States/The United States of America, unincorporated, has called the people to assemble and repopulate the Land and soil Assemblies of each nation-state after over 160 years of slumber.
The Virginia Assembly is The American State Assembly that comprises the Federation of States and is the Lawful Governance of our nation-state of Virginia. We are one of The United States (1776) and we are the “civilian government” of “the people”; honorable men and women on Virginia.
As the process of learning Self-Governance unfolds, we come to realize that all people hold potential that will add strength and value to our growing Governance structure. As we endeavor to put in place an effective and strong foundation for our Assembly and for Virginia, it is essential that we continue to refine our words and vision, to relinquish all programming and ego, and to collaborate in Love and Honor.
It is vital that we overlook and leave behind that which divides and gather our strength in Love to rebuild our communities. It is up to the people to unite and rebuild the Organic System of Governance that arises from the hearts of those who love each other, their families, their nation-state and America, and where each man or woman is sovereign unto themselves and acts in Honor for the good of the whole. Only we may set things right and repair and restore that which has been purposefully broken and desecrated. The people on Virginia must unite to bring forward the structure for Governance that requires and embodies Love, Honor, accountability, and the intention to be in care of the people and the soil, Land, Air and Water of our nation-state and beyond.
We are aware that there are many reasons for claiming your birthright status. Many want to just be in peace and go quietly into their lives. We Honor and respect that and will support and do everything in our power to ensure that your Freedom and security are protected by restoring the Four Pillars of The Virginia Assembly.
We invite those that are doing fabulous things and working in their own ways toward the same goal of Freedom and Peace to come together and facilitate the strength of our nation-state by participating in The Virginia Assembly in whatever capacity they might offer. We can do this in unity and without ego and recognize that we all desire to experience greater Freedom, joy, and beauty in our lives. If we hold Love in our hearts, then we may Love even more and that is what is called for now.
We invite you to reflect on how your expertise and wisdom may serve your brothers and sisters on Virginia and how it would feel to have a voice in reinstating the foundation for Freedom. We prefer to put our energy and creativity into restoring what is missing in our nation-state, which is not only the entire Lawful Governance structure, but also community, Love and laughter.
And please remember…all people may stay present with the activities of The Virginia Assembly by visiting our website or by attending General Assembly.
May Peace and Freedom Be!
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