We Welcome you to The Virginia Assembly
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We Welcome you to The Virginia Assembly
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This Public Square is where you can find the Assembly Calendar, latest Posts, Notices, and items and actions of Import that are happening on and for Virgina.
Zoom - 2nd Thursday
Meets Every Second Thursday of the month
Updates on our Common Law Court System
Zoom - 2nd Thursday
Zoom - Monday
Visioning Governance on Virginia
Topic: Focus Committee
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86752264034?pwd=yyi16e68WwB9FfjIJ6YpWoG8V3...
Zoom - Monday
Zoom - Every other Monday
Topic: PKTF meeting
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Meeting ID: 858 7361 1627
Zoom - Every other Monday
Every Wednesday
Creating the documents for our Lawful Courts.
Topic: Jural Procedural Documents Committee
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Every Wednesday
Zoom as needed
Topic: Stand Up Documents Committee
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Meeting ID: 87...
Zoom as needed
Our Virginia Peace Flag:
The breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains as the background represent the strength, resilience and fortitude of the people on Virginia.
The red lettering represents the blood that enlivens the living men and women and reminds us of those that have lost their lives while standing for free will, free thought and self-determination.
The words of Love, Honor, Integrity and Virtue written in gold represent the Light and character that the people on Virginia emanate and embody.
And lastly, the Peace and Freedom that is the Natural and Unalienable Right of All Virginians is represented by the white dove in flight.
Our Virginia Peace Flag:
The breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains as the background represent the strength, resilience and fortitude of the people on Virginia.
The red lettering represents the blood that enlivens the living men and women and reminds us of those that have lost their lives while standing for free will, free thought and self-determination.
The words of virture written in gold represent the Light and character that the people on Virginia emanate and embody.
And lastly, the Peace and Freedom that is the Natural and Unalienable Right of All Virginians is represented by the white dove in flight.
Have you ever wondered...?
...how State Governance and self-governance works?
...who is reconstructing and revisioning the broken Governance structure on Virginia?
...how you can contribute and expand your natural brilliance?
...if your visions, thoughts and ideas could be heard in Committee and brought forward to benefit the people living on Virginia.
We are a Governance that operates by Committee.. This is where you may implement the power of your voice. The momentum of Virginia is discussed and honed in the smaller group of the committee and it is where the necessary tasks are completed by those who volunteer to get this work done. Each committee then reports its goals and progress to the body of the General Assembly The men and women of the General Assembly then vote on items of import and establish them as the operating procedures and the desired trajectory for Virginians and for the Assembly...
Come join in the fun, get to know your fellow Virginians and make a difference for yourself and all people on Virginia!
Aaron has stepped up to be our State Court Recorder. Thank you Aaron!
Our Documents for the Jural Civil process are almost complete and we will be looking for a new scenario for our second Mock Jural Process to continue to flush out our processes.
If you have a suggestion or idea for the "scenario" please let us know at the next Jural Assembly Meeting
Autographing and mailing will happen soon.
You can find the PDF on the Notices and Claims page
This was a long time in coming as we are getting ourselves better organized and attending to the business of Self-governance.
Affirmations may be viewed on our Notices and Claims page.
Governance in action, the people have spoken. Virginians voted unanimously "yea" on the 28th day of February 2024.
Look below to see our new Flag.
Each American has the opportunity to Affirm his or her intention to the greater Body on Virginia and The Assembly. The document below is an Affirmation of Honor letting all Virginians know that you are a people living in Honor.
State Coordinator - Kevin Barry Miller - thevirginiacoordinator@gmail.com
Chair Pro Tem - Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham - cpt.virginia@proton.me
State Marshal-at Arms - Randell Alan Rimbey - Randell.RimbeyVirginiaMAA@proton.me
Secretary -
State Treasurer - Patty Rimbey - virginiatreasury@proton.me
State Deputy Treasurer - Lorrayne Ham
Chair - Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham - cpt.virginia@proton.me
Justice - Shirley Bryant - Justicebryant.va@proton.me
Justice - Kevin Barry Miller - JusticeMiller.Virginia@proton.me
Marshall-at-Arms - Randell Alan Rimbey - randell.rimbeyvirginiamma@proton.me
Court Clerk - Scott Sevart - CourtClerk.Virginia@proton.me
Court Notary - Aaron Ashanti - CourtNotary.Virginia@proton.me
Court Recorder - Position open
Bondsman - Michael DeMasters
Coroner - Robert Combs - StateCoroner.Virginia@proton.me
Deputy Coroner - Randell Alan Rimbey
Governing Body
Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham - Chair Pro Tem
Randell Alan Rimbey - Marshal at Arms
Patty Rimbey - Treasurer
Steven Russell Just -
Shirley Bryant - Justice
Cheryl Perko - Notices and Claims Chair
Keven Russell - Mediator - IBA.Virginia.KR@proton.me
Chair - Steven Just - PKTF.Virginia@proton.me
State Level Militia Commander - Steven Russel Just
Committee -
Michael DeMasters
Randell Alan Rimbey
Karen Lehman
Dallas Taylor
Cheryl Perko
Scott Sevart - Chair -
Committee -
Patty Rimbey
Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham
Shirley Bryant
Chair - Cheryl Ann Perko
Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham
Kevin Russell
Shirley Bryant
Chair - Claire McIlvain
committee -
Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham
Chair - Randell Alan Rimbey
Committee -
Lorrayne Ham
Chair - Randell Alan Rimbey
Committee -
Lorrayne Evangelyn Ham
Aaron Ashanti
Shirley Bryant - shirleybryantasn@gmail.com
Beth Doyle - BethDoyleRS.virginia@proton.me
Holly Pickle - RShollypickle.Virginia@proton.me
Lorrayne Ham
Chris Dunlap* - asncdunlap@protonmail.com
Lorrayne Ham
Cheryl Perko
Our Flag presents Virginia as a Sovereign and Peaceful nation-state to the people, The Federation and all Nations on Earth.
There is really no man, woman or institution that you couldn't inform with these facts, however, your own knowledge base and ability to speak the correct language and stand in your own strength and power without fear is also essential.
America Lives! 6.2724.declaration.tva.publiclaw (pdf)
DownloadThis pertains to the recoupment of all private assets that were unlawfully and illegally used as chattel backing the spending and criminal activities of these corporations from 1860
We expressly and explicitly hold all corporations liable for their activities and the results of those activities. There is and can be no such thing as immunity offered to public or privately
held corporations such as the Immunity Legislation signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986 seeming to offer immunity from prosecution to the pharmaceutical industry related to
vaccine products and drugs produced by these corporations.
More Coming
More Coming
More Coming
More Coming
More Coming
More Coming
More Coming
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