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We Welcome you to The Virginia Assembly
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Here we endeavor to embrace difficult subjects, to stretch the confines of a programmed mind, to entertain new concepts and research, to relinquish that which no longer rings true, to educate and inform the living people, and to find unity in the fact that we are all in this together and, in unity, we may set things right.
This is an evolving page where we bring forward pertinent information that provides us with proper situational awareness. We are then able to navigate this tumultuous time with as much wisdom, knowledge, and grace as possible. Let us be willing to integrate new facts and objective data into our awareness as we spiral inward toward Self Mastery. May we continue to seek that which is true and Life sustaining, and deny that which is false and destructive to Life.
BioDigital Convergence (merging man with machines) is a primary goal of the nefarious "Elitists" and is implemented by rogue, incorporatated "governments" and NGOs. They have weaponized technology and biology, polluted our bodies with biosensors and synthetic biology, and they usurp our Free Will and Free Thought.
The following articles, patents, and books show some of the research that has been done on the electromagnetic and energetic aspects of our biology. Our Biofields have been harnessed as an Internet Cloud system. We are nodes on a network providing real time data to computer systems and data centers that the General Public is unaware of, and does not have access to..
In your original, organic state of being, you are amazing!!
Those that are purposefully bringing forward BioDigital Convergence have succeeded in highjacking every intricate biological and energetic system of our bodies. The technology offers a pathetic mimicry of our natural abiliies by overlaying and manipulating micro and macro systems. We have not been presented with this knowledge through public education systems and thus, many are unaware of the subtle aspects of our physical expression. This is one of many books on the subject. More may be found in the book section at the bottom of this page.
We are powerful, creative expressions of Consciousness.
Hidden history, hidden technology. We have been lied to...about virtually everything. Our natural state of being is an aether technology, We are free energy technology because we exist as Consciousness in action. We each have a torroidal field of electromagnetism, light, and sound originating from our Core Essence that extends several feet around our bodies called the Biofield or Human Aura. There are those that hide these facts while they harness and manipulate these energy systems.
This is a great, laid back overview that ties in a visual aid with a Wheel of Deception that brushes on history, pharma, the tech industry, NGOs, food, education, politics, religion, and entertainment. It is explained how we are being led to focus on the parts of "the old problelm" while they move full steam ahead with "the new problem", the integration of our biofields, cellular, and molecular level aspects with, and as, telecommunication and computer systems. And, all the while, they spin lies and half truths that keep us divided, distracted and focused in the wrong directions..
The above video is a gentle introduction to difficult topics. If you prefer to cut to the chase, Here is Sabrina Wallace on Network Centric Warfare. 10/29/2024
Links for Sabrina's research may be found below with her Tech Metric pdf document and on Exhibit A.
An interview with Deborah Tavares where she only grazes the subject of BDC but brings forward many other essential facts for situational awareness.
Her websites are invaluable research tools and links to all may be found here: https://stopthecrime.net/wp/
Article - No Freedom without Free Will and Free Thought
The corporate " Governmental" Agencies have usurped your nationality, your identity, your national governments, your freedom, and have breached the sanctity of your bodily autonomy and private thoughts. They have weaponized the entire electromagnetic spectrum, our environment, the weather, and the resonance of the people through undisclosed human augmentation with synthetic biology and biosensor technology now deployed and employed with no ethical oversight. With AI Governance/Biosurveillance as a UN and DOD Agenda goal that is already largely realized, we must remain vigilant and extend our trust wisely. We must join together as the Living people and collectively say NO to any further encroachment in our lives and bodies, and roll back whatever aspects of this heinous crime that may be rolled back. May this information bring unity and right action.
The current level of Biodigital Convergence, AI Governance, and Human Augmentation and all that is included under those terms could only reach this point of implementation under collaboration, collusion and secrecy. This necessitates a multi-discipline, multi-sector, multi-vector plan that has been long underway but hidden under "National Security" interests and perpetuated through compartmentalization of jobs, control of education, media and the minds of the people, blackmail, coercion, misdirection and more. For additional clarity as to the "Who", see videos here:
This article offers a thorough, though not exhaustive. list of participants and enablers of this massive harm to Living systems
UN Agenda (png)
DownloadNetwork Centric Warfare - Background and Oversight 2005 (pdf)
DownloadUS Space Command Vision2020 (pdf)
DownloadCognitive Warfare Final 2020 (pdf)
DownloadIEEE SYMBIOTIC AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS INITIATIVE Transhumanism - Roberto Saracco 2014 (pdf)
DownloadMilitary Operations in Civilian Disguise Part_3 (pdf)
DownloadHuman Augmentation - SIP access2 (pdf)
DownloadHuman to Mechatron Roadmap - patent (pdf)
DownloadHidden Biometrics (pdf)
DownloadEmerging Technologies - 2024 Vision Report (pdf)
DownloadDARPA R&D - Powers of Ten (pdf)
DownloadElectronic Warfare - Joint Military Op. 2007 (pdf)
DownloadInternet of nano-things and wireless body area networks - 2019 (pdf)
DownloadUmmmm...No Thanks!!
Packed with white papers and images, Sabrina Wallace provides a concise overview of the current level of biocyber interface and the rollout of cognitive cities.
Say something interesting about your business here.
A compilation of diagrams and evidence of the merging and utilization of the human biofield as a layer (WBAN) of biocybersecurity within current telecommunication sytems which overlaps with current Military Warfare Doctrine. This allows ubiquitous surveillance, monitoring and manipulation of every intricate aspect of our biology and our lives.
Sabrina's work is archived here:
The overlap and collaboration of a multitude of industries and organizations is allowing the usurpation of every aspect of our biological and energetic expression. Research and development have been extensively carried out for decades, if not hundreds of years. Though these subjects are presented in college and university programs, families are deeply divided and distracted by the daily grind of survival and thus we don't piece together how our studies and employment are leading to the end of natural man and woman, plant and animal. And then, of course, there are those that believe they are "saving the planet" and/or believe that augmenting their natural biology with brain-machine interface technology will allow them to be superheroes and live forever...but only as a parasite and in offense to Divine Creation. The following articles, white papers, etc. reveal how they have weaponized science by withholding the higher sciences from our awarenes while steadily ,researching for their own benefit. We now see the use of light, sound, frequency, pressure, temperature, and molecular communication, to name just a few technologies and fields of science, to cause harm..
Electrochemical Biosensors in Practice Materials and Methods (pdf)
DownloadDNA- and RNA-Based Computing Systems by Evgeny Katz (pdf)
DownloadHandbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science Series In Medical Physics (pdf)
DownloadOptogenetics (pdf)
DownloadIoT and Digital Twin - World Standards 2023 (pdf)
DownloadInter and Intra Body Area Networks (BANs) (pdf)
DownloadHuman Cyber Physical Systems for Energy Internet - A Review (pdf)
DownloadBiological Antenna to the Humanoid Bot - Rhythm Engineering (pdf)
DownloadMetaverse-Roadmap (pdf)
DownloadWithout proper knowledge, we are easily led astray. Ongoing Research is Essential!!
Exhibit A is an unfolding document as new and factual information arises and the information brought forth by those that purposefully mislead the people are eliminated from the collection. Constant discernment and a willingness to true our beliefs into knowing based on objective evidence is essential in this current time of deception and psychological warfare.
Stagnancy in any form is not recommended.
Terms for Research is a haphazard collection of terms that we recommend all do their utmost to become familiar with. These are telecommunication and medical industry terms, for instance, that many will not recognize. Open source data is available...if you choose to seek it and comprehend our long term, imminent, and future predicament.
Remedy and mitigation will only arise with open discourse and a collapse of secrecy and subterfuge.
May it be so!!
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