Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
The Virginia Militia is part of our Special Services Assembly.
Militia in Hebrew means “people”. The people are the militia.
and have the responsibility to protect and defend themselves, their communities and their nation-state.
In Natural emergency situations, the men and women organize to serve, protect, and provide support to their fellow Virginians.
The appropriate implementation of The Virginia Militia is to ensure freedom and security concurrently by:
"I was just at the Reawakening tour at Rock Church in VB this past weekend. (8,9thJuly22)
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Eric Trump, Don Jr., Amanda Grace, and many, many others!"
The county militia is the backbone of security, civil safety, and defense of the people, property, and law through a connected web of counties throughout Virginia; the authority comes from the people, through the county first, then up through the Clusters and Regions;
The State Militia Commandant, Regional Colonels, and Cluster Majors are there to support the county militias during peace time and become operational Head Quarter elements in their respective areas of operation during times of being called-forth;
These State level leaders become operational commanders located within their geographical boundaries;
State Militia Commandant: Must be an American State Citizen; member of The Virginia State Jural Militia; appointed by the unincorporated Governor;
Advisor to the Governor on matters related to the Militia;
Commandant for The Virginia State Militia;
These documents provide the organizational structure for the Peace Keeping Task Force and The Militia. Please download them and have them available for your use in the event of an emergency.