Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
Treasury is an aspect of the General Assembly that has fiscal responsibilities that intertwine with, and support all aspects of the Assembly Pillars. The Treasurer and the Banking Committee work together to establish Guidelines. manage the Budget, assist in Purchase Procedures, provide Expense Reporting, ensure and provide for Hiring, Training and Education, Review and Update policy, set Fiduciary Guidelines for Honor and acountability, and more.
The Virginia State Treasurer is responsible for managing all state level Financial Assets of The Virginia Assembly. The Treasurer manages State Bank Accounts, assists all Pillars and Committees in budgeting and purchasing for projects, meetings and other events and actions, and is responsible for presenting regular financial reports to General Assembly (the people).
Researches potential facilities, assists Treasurer in establishing guidelines, generally supports all functions within Treasury as needed.
Prosperity Centers will be the "banking" system and centers for the living people. Virginian's can access their financial assets through both an American Federation Dollar(AFD) Account and Credit Accounts. Currency exchange will also be available to assist with ease of trade and travel. Through these accounts, you will access your Inheritance to purchase a home, property (Land), conveyance, or other items of value. Prosperity Centers will be a central hub to manage your American assets held and managed by Global Family Bank and engage in other aspects of banking, trade and commerce..
The AFD is the Lawful, asset backed currency of The United States, unincorporated. Currently, one AFD is valued at approximately 1/10 of one ounce of gold.
For more information, to access your account or to sign up for your account, please visit the following website at:
All unfolding news regarding the progress of Global Family will be posted here and will be discussed at the next General Assembly meeting. Check in here periodically for updates.