Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
In 2019, The Federation of States called the several states to assemble after more than 160 years of interregnum…welcome to..

Public elections will be held on April 1st, 2025 4-7pm over Zoom
In 2019, The Federation of States called the several states to assemble after more than 160 years of interregnum…welcome to..
We are men and women, alive and born on the Land and soil. We hold superior concurrent General Jurisdiction, we embody the qualities of love, integrity, honor and virtue. We uphold the Public Law and Keep the Peace.
Our clear and simple precepts:
Do No Harm - Be in Honor - Act in Kindness - Leave Life Better
We hold reverence for Divine Creation and acknowledge the inherent Sovereignty and Freedom of all people.
We value community, collaboration, enthusiasm and nurturing the unique abilities of each individual.
We welcome your curiosity and your unique perspective, and we look forward to accompanying you on your journey.
on Virginia, peaceful men and women living on the Land and Soil. We recognize and embody the inherent Divine Creation in all that we do and bring it forth in the formation of this Self-Governing Body for Virginia.
When our security, safety and Freedom are being challenged or usurped by foreign or domestic opportunists and criminals, we will protect ourselves by enacting our Public Duty, enforcing the Public Law and utilizing our resources to protect the people on Virginia.
Welcome and Congratulations!
By discovering the information contained within this website, you have the opportunity to refine your knowledge and bring focused action. Whether you choose to be an active participant within The Virginia Assembly or simply claim your birthright and Inherent Rights and go quietly into your Life. We are excited for you!
However, if you feel called to bring forth The American Dream for all people, we are grateful for the unique perspective and gifts you will bring. Join us in making history and bringing "the people" home.
Declaration of Independence - In Congress, July 4th, 1776
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Full document can be found in the link below
it is not limited by geographical borders but is focused here in the hearts of the people on our nation-states. We, who carry the spark of the American spirit, embody Love and Integrity; we live by the clear and simple precepts of: Do No Harm, Be in Honor, Act in Kindness and Leave Life Better. We acknowledge and embody our responsibility to nourish and restore the Land, Air and Water, and to restore true Freedom for the people by first claiming it for ourselves. When what is true is realized and harm is apparent, Americans have a responsibility, and in fact, a Public Duty to bring remedy and accountability.
was usurped at the time of the "Civil War" and American History was removed from our public school system by 1974. This leaves the population uninformed, without identity and blinded to the true nature of current events. Indeed, we are paying for the facilitation of our own destruction by our own ignorance and alignment with harmful ideologies that are not in alignment with what is true or living in the hearts of most people.
we have a fiduciary responsibility to speak and act in the face of harm. Our Public
Duty is to notify and protect the people and to assure that the missing aspects of The Lawful Governance Structure for Virginia are restored and strengthened. Let it be so! Let the words of our founders remind us of that Spirit
Thomas Paine
Our Natural Inheritance is to live as free men and women with the authority to Self-Govern and choose our destiny. Our good names were conscripted into Citizenship of foreign incorporated entities and these false identities and Legal Fictions have been and are being used to enslave us to the Global Corporate "elite".
A Precept of Law is "As it is bound, so it is unbound". We invite you to break free of the bonds of ignorance and acquiescence and throw off the blanket of deception and lies that have been imposed upon you. You can be part of creating something beautiful for the people of Virginia by taking this journey.
We must engage our own moral compass and desire for Peace and move forward through the chaos to attain and sustain true Freedom.
We The People must seek our own Remedy through Lawful means. We each must look within and act from our hearts while knowing we are supported by those who have gone before us and by Divine Providence. This is how we reclaim our Lawful, Natural Inheritance.
lorrayne evangelyn ham on Virginia
The Virginia Militia
Militia in Hebrew means “people”. The people are the militi and have the responsibility to protect and defend themselves, their communities and their nation-state.
In the event of emergency situations, the men and women organize to serve, protect, and provide support to fellow Virginians.
The appropriate implementation of The Virginia Militia is to ensure freedom and security
The Duty and Responsibility of the Peace Keeping Task force is to be of Service to the People in times of need. The PKTF consists of The People in service to one another
After you complete your 1779 and 928 Declarations, there are many opportunities to utilize your unique expertise and abilities for the benefit of the people on Virginia.
Consider participating in this exciting endeavor as we gather to learn, grow and discover what it means to be "Self-Governing in Unity". Start by participating in your General Assembly Meetings happening every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m..
We are diligently working to populate our 13 Shires (County Clusters). Governance comes from the People to the Shire to the State in a flow upward from the People to those we appoint to speak on our behalf. Joining the Assembly and making your voice heard is how you can participate in the process.
We endeavor to meet twice per year, "in esse", as an entire "body" of the Assembly. There are many functions that are best served by the people meeting "in esse".
We look forward to seeing you soon.
All our most current announcements, notices, and information of interest can be found on The Public Square page. Please check there for all of the latest points of interest.
You may support our efforts to reconstruct the Lawful Courts and Governance Structure for Virginia using the link below.
We the People are the governance and there is no hierarchical structure that we exist under.
As Living men and women holding General Jurisdictions on the Land and soil of this Nation State it is our duty and responsibility to ensure our Fiduciary Standing for all Virginians.
All Donations are currently being applied to our general funding, our "in esse" meetings, postage and expenses that you the people approve.
Thank you for your contribution to the flow of governance on Virginia.
***Simply point the camera on your phone to the QR code on the left, to access our Square donation form.
Were you aware that The United States of America has 4 Flags? A Peace Flag (vertical stripes) and War Flag (horizontal stripes) for Americans and a Title IV Peace Flag and War Flag for our British subcontractor to use?
The flag most of us associate with America is in fact the Title IV War Flag originally intended for use by The British Territorial subcontractor when representing America on the high seas during times of war. It has been misused by foreign corporations acting in our name. The stripes on the above American Peace Flag are vertical indicating that we are standing upright on the Land and soil and we are at Peace. Our Peace Flag has not been flown over this nation since before the Civil War mercenary conflict.
We are flying our Peace flag again to declare that American State Nationals and the Federation of States are at Peace.
Anna Von Reitz (AVR) is part of a team of men and women who stepped up, on behalf of American, several decades ago. She and The Federation of States have called the people of the states to assemble.
Thomas Paine
Errors and Omissions Excepted
We are living through a rapidly evolving and unfolding experience that must be met with the ability and agility to refine and true our process and course of action as we integrate new facts and historical data.
We reserve the right and responsibility to implement alterations and corrections based on new information forthcoming that adds to our comprehension of the issues at hand.